best vermouth vermut

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the ultimate destination for vermut (or vermouth) enthusiasts!

Here’s what awaits you:

  • A comprehensive database of vermouths from around the world.
  • Ratings to help you select the perfect vermouth.
  • Engaging blog content featuring vermouth history, culture, production, and cocktail recipes.

Join our community today and indulge in the world of vermouth like never before! Unravel the secrets, mix and muddle, and let the allure of vermouth captivate your senses. Cheers to the journey ahead!

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Popular Articles

About Vermut
Vermut bars in Barcelona

Best Vermut Bars In Barcelona

Barcelona, known for its rich culture, history and food, is also a city that boasts the best vermut bars. If you’re looking for a perfect place to enjoy a glass of vermut, then look no further! Cala del Vermut Vins i Formatges Cala del Vermut Vins i Formatges is one of the city’s finest. Patatas bravas and berenjenas are the

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The rise of artisanal vermut production

Discover the art of vermut production and the rise of artisanal vermut in this guide. With a long and storied history, vermut has recently seen a resurgence in popularity, leading to a growing interest in small-batch, artisanal production. Learn about the unique blend of herbs, spices, and botanicals used in vermut production and how they impact the flavor of the

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Cocktails & recipes

Embrace the Elegance: Vermouth’s Key to Classic Cocktails

Discover the crucial role of vermouth in classic cocktails like the Martini, Manhattan, and Negroni. From the subtle herbaceous notes in a dry Martini to the rich sweetness of a Manhattan, vermouth adds depth and complexity to these iconic drinks. Learn about the preferred ratios and techniques for incorporating vermouth into each cocktail, and elevate your mixology game with this

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Cocktails & recipes

Traditional vermut recipes from Spain

Discover the taste of Spanish culture with these traditional vermut recipes. From the classic Vermut con Sifón to the refreshing Rebujito de Vermut, these drinks are easy to make and perfect for sipping on a warm summer evening. Whether you prefer a sweet Vermut Rojo or a light Vermut Blanco, these recipes will transport you to the heart of Spain.

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Cocktails & recipes

Vermut as a key ingredient in Negroni cocktails

Discover the key role that vermut plays in the beloved Negroni cocktail. While gin and Campari are the more well-known ingredients, vermut adds a subtle sweetness and herbal complexity to the drink, balancing out the bitterness of the Campari and the strong flavor of the gin. Choosing the right vermut is important, as different vermouths can affect the flavor of

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Vermut history and cultural significance

and it is now a staple of Spanish culture. Vermut is often enjoyed on Sundays, when families and friends gather for a leisurely afternoon of food and drink. In fact, the tradition of going for a vermut on Sundays is so ingrained in Spanish culture that it has become known as “la hora del vermut” (vermut time).


Vermut is more than

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What are Vermuterias?

Looking for an authentic Spanish drinking experience? Look no further than vermuterias, traditional bars that specialize in serving vermut, the classic aperitif that has become an integral part of Spanish culture. These cozy and vibrant bars can be found all over Spain, but are particularly popular in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. When you visit a vermuteria, you

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7 Lies You’ve Been Told About Vermut.

Discover the truth about vermut, the fortified wine that’s been gaining popularity as an aperitif. In this blog post, we debunk seven common misconceptions about vermut, including the idea that it’s only for grandpas, too bitter, or too expensive. We reveal the truth behind these myths and explain how vermut can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere, and in many different ways.

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Cocktails & recipes

Vermut and its use in classic cocktails like the Manhattan

Discover the history and perfect pairing of vermut and the Manhattan cocktail in this blog post. Learn about the origins of the Manhattan and how vermut has been a crucial ingredient for over a century. Find out how the sweetness and herbal notes of vermut balance the boldness of whiskey, and get tips on choosing the right vermut for your

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The top 10 vermouth brands to try.

Looking to add depth and complexity to your cocktails? Look no further than vermouth. With so many brands and styles available, it can be overwhelming to choose which one to try. In this blog post, we’ll share the top 10 vermouth brands you need to know about, their unique qualities, and the cocktails they work best in. From the full-bodied

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Vermut bottles