Noilly Prat Vermouth Extra Dry

Noilly Prat Vermouth Extra Dry is a high-quality vermouth that is made with a blend of white wines and botanicals, including chamomile, gentian, and bitter orange peel. The vermouth is then aged in oak casks for 12 months, resulting in a dry, crisp flavor profile that is perfect for use in cocktails. The aroma is a delicate blend of herbs and spices, with hints of citrus and floral notes. On the palate, Noilly Prat Vermouth Extra Dry is well-balanced, with a dry, crisp flavor that is perfect for use in classic cocktails like the Martini and the Manhattan.


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A buyer’s guide for vermouth.

A Buyer’s Guide for Vermouth: Tips for Choosing the Best Vermouth for You Vermouth, the fortified wine infused with herbs and spices, is a versatile and delicious ingredient...

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