Noilly Prat Vermouth Original Dry

Noilly Prat Vermouth Original Dry is a high-quality vermouth that is made with a blend of white wines and botanicals, including chamomile, gentian, and nutmeg. The vermouth is then aged in oak casks for 12 months, resulting in a complex flavor profile that is perfect for use in classic cocktails. The aroma is a delicate blend of herbs and spices, with hints of citrus and nutmeg. On the palate, Noilly Prat Vermouth Original Dry is well-balanced, with a dry, crisp flavor that is perfect for use in classic cocktails like the Martini and the Manhattan.


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What are Vermuterias?

Looking for an authentic Spanish drinking experience? Look no further than vermuterias, traditional bars that specialize in serving vermut, the classic aperitif that has become an integral part...

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