best vermouth vermut

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the ultimate destination for vermut (or vermouth) enthusiasts!

Here’s what awaits you:

  • A comprehensive database of vermouths from around the world.
  • Ratings to help you select the perfect vermouth.
  • Engaging blog content featuring vermouth history, culture, production, and cocktail recipes.

Join our community today and indulge in the world of vermouth like never before! Unravel the secrets, mix and muddle, and let the allure of vermouth captivate your senses. Cheers to the journey ahead!

Your Vermut Adventure Starts Here

Popular Articles

About Vermut

Vermut glasses and serving tips

Discover the history and importance of vermut glasses in this essential guide. Learn about the evolution of vermut glasses from simple tumblers to ornate crystal designs, and why choosing the right glass matters. Find out how the shape and size of the glass can affect the aroma and taste of your vermut, and get tips on selecting the perfect glass

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Vermouth 101: All the basics you need to know.

Discover the world of vermouth with this Vermouth 101 guide. Learn about the different types of vermouth, including sweet and dry, and how to serve it properly. Explore popular vermouth cocktails like the Negroni, Martini, and Manhattan, and find the perfect vermouth cocktail for you. With the right knowledge and approach, vermouth can be a delicious addition to your cocktail

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The rise of artisanal vermut production

Discover the art of vermut production and the rise of artisanal vermut in this guide. With a long and storied history, vermut has recently seen a resurgence in popularity, leading to a growing interest in small-batch, artisanal production. Learn about the unique blend of herbs, spices, and botanicals used in vermut production and how they impact the flavor of the

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What are Vermuterias?

Looking for an authentic Spanish drinking experience? Look no further than vermuterias, traditional bars that specialize in serving vermut, the classic aperitif that has become an integral part of Spanish culture. These cozy and vibrant bars can be found all over Spain, but are particularly popular in cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. When you visit a vermuteria, you

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Vermut and botanicals: the perfect match?

Discover the perfect match of vermut and botanicals in this blog post. The infusion of herbs, roots, spices, and flowers gives vermut its unique flavor and aroma, making it a popular beverage. Learn why vermut and botanicals complement each other perfectly and explore the most popular botanicals used in vermut production, including wormwood, angelica, coriander, orange peel, and chamomile. Whether

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brown wooden barrels on brown brick wall

Vermut and the art of barrel aging

Aged to Perfection: Exploring the Art of Vermouth Barrel Aging Vermouth is a fortified wine that has been around for centuries, but did you know that barrel aging can take this classic beverage to the next level? In this guide, we’ll explore the art of vermouth barrel aging and how it can enhance the flavor and complexity of this beloved

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Vermut and its cultural and historical ties to Italy

Discover the cultural and historical significance of vermut in Italy in this blog post. Learn about its role as an aperitif and popular ingredient in Italian cocktails, as well as its origins in ancient Rome and commercial production in Turin. Explore the fond memories and traditions associated with vermut in Italy, and discover some of the most popular brands enjoyed

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The One Thing You’ve Been Missing to Upgrade Your Vermut Game.

Looking to upgrade your vermut game? The key is experimentation. With its versatility, vermut can unlock new flavors and experiences you never knew existed. Try different styles, mix in different ingredients, serve it properly, pair it with food, and explore different brands. With a little bit of creativity and an open mind, you’ll be able to take your vermut game

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The Beginner’s Guide to Vermut: How to Start Drinking Vermut.

Discover the world of vermouth with this beginner’s guide. Learn about the two main types of vermouth, sweet and dry, and the different ways to enjoy them. From classic cocktails like the Negroni and Manhattan to lighter options like the Americano, there’s a vermouth cocktail for everyone. Experiment with different flavors and find your favorite type of vermouth. So grab

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Vermut history and cultural significance

and it is now a staple of Spanish culture. Vermut is often enjoyed on Sundays, when families and friends gather for a leisurely afternoon of food and drink. In fact, the tradition of going for a vermut on Sundays is so ingrained in Spanish culture that it has become known as “la hora del vermut” (vermut time).


Vermut is more than

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Vermut bottles