Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry Dry

Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry Dry has a pale golden color and a delicate, herbaceous aroma with notes of sage, thyme, and citrus. On the palate, it is crisp and refreshing with flavors of white wine, herbs, and a hint of bitterness. The vermouth has a dry and clean finish, making it perfect for use in classic cocktails such as the Martini, as well as in lighter, more refreshing drinks.


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The top 10 vermouth brands to try.

Looking to add depth and complexity to your cocktails? Look no further than vermouth. With so many brands and styles available, it can be overwhelming to choose which...

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10 fast facts about vermouth.

Discover the surprising secrets of vermut, the fortified wine that has been enjoyed for centuries. From its origins and medicinal properties to its unique blend of herbs and...

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